Friday 15 April 2011

'Cliff' Update 15/04/2011

I've been working on this project every day for the last week. I started work on the final scene, from where the characters see the witch once again flying over them and go in to fight her in the clouds. I am worried this scene is a bit rushed so i may have to let my musician know soon.
My musician, Stephen Brooks will hopefully be producing some demo tracks based on the animatic and footage i have sent to him.
Ive animated some character acting animation for Para Cat, where he tells Cliff a little more about the End of the Rainbow and the possible reason for his voice being stolen. This is good practice for when i return to the middle of the film where there is a lot of acting.

The reason i have gone straight to the end now is because the final scene has some complicated animation that needs first attention.

For example today i animated my Para Cat character doing a backflip loop, it does not work like a perfect animated backflip but it IS perfect for the scene.
He is struck by the electric force of the witch.

When i was animating I sent an email to Benjamin Rudman, the voice of Para Cat to record a sort of screaming (Whilst being attacked by the electric force). He immediately sent a perfect recording. It works really well and is quite funny.

Then i moved onto the continuation of the cloud scene, where Para Cat lands on a cloud looking quite serious and then jumping upwards in front of the sunlight.

Here are some screenshots from my work

Above is: The money shot. My favourite shot in the film so far.

Frame from backflip

- Nathan Viney

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